The Toronto Bird Celebration is LIVE!

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Leader: Sean Fraser

The walk will begin at the main entrance to the park at Bloor and High Park Avenue. Please meet there at 5:45.

We will walk on established dirt paths through the Oak Savannah and around the Nature Centre, and then over to Hawk Hill, behind the Grenadier Restaurant by 8 pm. We will hopefully see and hear some Common Nighthawks as they fly over the hill.

Bring binoculars if you have them.

No registration required. If you’d like to be notified about event changes, please RSVP below.

If you are driving, be aware of the new driving and parking restrictions in the park. If you are taking the TTC, the closest stop is High Park. The route is easy walking, with paved paths for the most part, dirt paths in the Savannah, and a short walk up to the top of Hawk Hill.

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